Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday Nights

Well, it seems I lost my first post. No biggie. I guess everyone else who's ever been to school or had a weekday jobs knows the feeling: I hate Sunday nights. This long weekend (thanksgiving) has been a pain. Day one? OK. Day two? OK. Day three? Sucked. Day four? Sucked as well. Today? MEGA SUCK! Oh well, perhaps it will get better. Only, wait! nope! You see, I auditioned for a play. The first day, the directer loved me. He had me read a lot, and seemed to like me. The I blew my call backs. Hard. I read once. Three lines. But I screwed those quite royally. And now I carry luggage and answer in a chorus for the two hour play. The killing blow, though, is that I still have to show up every day for practice. To practice my non-lines and whatever. Not that I mind the small part thing. I've done that before. If you're good, don't complain, and do as you're told, they'll give you a bigger one next time. No. What I mind is that I have to spend my free time doing nothing. Instead of being with my friends and boy friend. The boyfriend I haven't seen in a week. And looks like I won't be seeing for another week. FML. And it's not like I can tell him I miss him. I suffer from the paranoia that when you tell a boyfriend something like that he either runs away screaming or thinks you want to blow him. Not that I realistically think that they will (or at least the former), but i still won't. I can tell a white lie like no other, but if you want the sentimental truth? Not your girl.

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